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Hard Candy is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using MYO armband as its interface.  The armband detects and transforms EMG values with which both image and sound are generated and altered.

year of production: 2019

image, sound, and programming in Max/Jitter/Msp: Sachiko Hayashi

hard candy

Lipstick is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using Leap Motion as its interface and laptop camera as its input device for the visual.

First performed at Fylkingen, Stockholm 2019, with music of live electronics by Lars Bröndum, Jonas Broberg, Girilal Baas, and Magnus Alexanderson

image and programming in Max/Jitter: Sachiko Hayashi

still untitled

Still Untitled is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using Leap Motion as its interface and sound generated from internal mic within a laptop.  Visuals are created in OpenGL in Max/Jitter.

year of production 2018-2019

image, sound, and programming in Max/Jitter: Sachiko Hayashi

Wind Sound  is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using Kinect's Depth Detection as its input for both visual and sound.  The idea is that as I move, the light is transformed into "wind,' which then is transformed into sound.

Realised at USF studio in Bergen 2013

image, visual programming in Processing and sound programming in Max/Msp: Sachiko Hayashi

wind sound

  Sound 1  


  Sound 2  

sound catcher

Sound Catcher  is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using Kinect  for the visual via its camera as well as its input for both visual and sound real-time alteration.  

year of production 2012-13, partly realised at USF studio in Bergen 2013

thanks: Roberto Fusco

image, visual programming in Processing and sound programming in Max/Msp: Sachiko Hayashi

Sen-No-Sen (千の線)/Thousand Lines/Tusen Linjer is a gesture-controlled interactive audio-visual performance using Nintendo Wii remote controller to generate alter both sound and visual in real-time. Its visual component originates from a computer code (JavaScript via Max/Jitter).

year of production: 2012

image, sound and programming in Max/Msp/Jitter: Sachiko Hayashi


Experimentation is a documentation of a project that explores the possibility of motion/gesture-controlled interactivity in connection with virtual world.  The project focuses on using one's own motion via Kinect to control his/her avatar in Second Life.  This mixed-reality project was funded by and carried out at Humlab, Umeå University, Sweden. 

year of production: 2012

image, concept and sound: Sachiko Hayashi

more explanation on the project

You Saw Me Tomorrow is an audio-visual performance of MASH (Magnus Alexanderson and Sachiko Hayashi) where the visual is created using lap-top camera and altered in real-time using Nintendo Wii remote controller as its gesture-controller interface.  

year of production: 2010

music: Magnus Alexanderson

image and programming in Max/Jitter: Sachiko Hayashi

you saw me tomorrow

The same set of programming was used to visually improvise to the music composition of Fluttering by Lars Bröndum at Fylkingen, Stockholm, 2010. 

<<<-- Here is a short excerpt of the performance

The visual was done with bubble wrapper and a music score of Fluttering.

More info on the Vimeo site.

n00sphere playground

N00sphere Playground  is a machinima of the Second Life project N00sphere Playground, an interactive audio-visual installation for avatars.

The Second Life project was commissioned by Tagging Art in Copenhagen and funded by Danish Art Council for the premier exhibition at the National Gallery of Denmark, Copenhagen, 2008.  It received further support from Humlab at Umeå University in Sweden.  

year of production: 2008

thanks: Tagging Art, Humlab, Toko Loon, Jannne Janus, Ida Aabye, Indigo Izumi, KK Jewell, Maxxo Klaar, Paco Mariani, Gumnosophistai Nurmi, Bingo Onomatoeia, Humming Pera, Zonzo Spyker, Nell Soderstrom, Miulew Takahe, BlaiseDeLaFrance Voom, Tuttan Zabelin

image and LindenScript programming: Sachiko Hayashi

sound sources: Magnus Alexanderson

scripting consultant: Richard Siegel

[beyond] is an interactive audio-visual performance by MASH (Magnus Alexanderson & Sachiko Hayashi). As its visual is linked to the live EAM via Midi-guitar via Max/Jitter,  its visual component is being altered by the guitar play by Magnus Alexanderson.

The video footages were taken in Tokyo, 2006, and depict three female noh theatre performers (whereas Noh theatre is traditionally played by men only).

year of production 2008

Image manipulation partially realised at the Experimental Television Center, NY.

Noh theatre performers: Hikaru Uzawa, Hisashi Uzawa, Yoko Yamamura

thanks: the Experimental Television Center, Hikaru Uzawa, Hisashi Uzawa, Yoko Yamamura,  Naoya Mura, Yoko Fukuoka, Yasuyo Hirai

music: Magnus Alexanderson

image and programming in Max/Jitter: Sachiko Hayashi

The scene chart of [beyond]


Flurry is an interactive installation that centres on the theme of re-experiencing through engagement. Focusing on snow, the project collects people’s memories of snow in the form of voices and sounds. Scientific texts describing the history and properties of snow are juxtaposed with these personal recollections. As visitors interact with simulated snowflakes, a complex picture of human responses to snow emerges, allowing them to relive their own snow memories while gaining the experience of others that enrich their experience.

The project was produced by curator Björn Norberg and the Interactive Institute in Stockholm.

year of production 2006

sound donars: Chris Cutler (UK) , Gary Smith(UK), Jair-Rohm Parker Wells (USA/Sweden), Art Clay (USA/Switzerland) , Nicholas Economos (USA), Magnus Alexanderson (Sweden), Jens Hedman (Sweden), Zbigniew Karkowski (Poland/Japan), Miroslaw Rajkowski (Poland)

tale donars: Olof Bendt, Loove Broms, Alex Bustamante, Tina Finnäs, Halina Gottlieb, Magnus Jonsson, My Lindh, Peter Lundén, Johan Drott Löfgren, Cecilia Narström, Björn Norberg, Bjarne Nyquist , Fredrik Bridell, Johan Thurfjell

concept, image, and Lingo programming: Sachiko Hayashi

additional Lingo programming and technical solution: Fredrik Bridell at the Interactive Institute

Game of Freedom is a net artwork, intended to be shown online by using flash player. 

Prompted by the Danish cartoon controversy, the work reflects over the hypothesis of freedom of expression as an absolut must for democracy, pondering where freedom of speech becomes in fact hate speech.  


The work is composed with quotes by philosophers on freedom of expression/speech, sampling of cartoons from the WWII about the Jewish people and photos of the Holocaust victims from the same period.


year of production: 2006


Game of Freedom was made for by invitation.

concept, image, sampling, sound arrangement, and ActionScript programming: Sachiko Hayashi

sound sorces: Caleb Wood 

game of freedom
last meal requested

Last Meal Requested is a net artwork intended to be shown online by using  flash player. 

The work takes up three incident of its recent past, i.e.,  the beating of Rodney King,  the Halabuja massacre by Sadam Hussein, and the public execution of Zarmeena by the Taliban.  Juxtaposed with them are the historical pictures of the lynching of the blacks, the Holocaust victims, and the humiliation suffered by the French girls in love with German soldiers right after WWII, repectively. These images are further more enforced with sampling of voices from various documentaries about racism, minority and religious prosecution, and sexism.

year of production: 2003

achived at Rhizome, NY

published on Rhizome's educational CD-Rom GROK

concept, image, sampling, sound arrangement, and ActionScript programming: Sachiko Hayashi

sound sorces: Magnus Alexanderson

Trapped is a net artwork, intended to be shown online by using  shockwave player. 

Trapped is composed with quotes from serial killers, with an introductory text on characteristics of serial killers.  It aims to take the audience on a journey inward from the outer world of scientific/objective description of them to the mystery of the inside world of human mind, one which is often labeled as "evil." It is also a journey in which Trapped serves as a mirror to reflect your own reaction to the phenomenon.

year of production: 2001

achived at Rhizome, NY

concept, image, sampling, and Lingo programming: Sachiko Hayashi

the norns

The Norns is a CD-Rom artwork, made at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm as my post-graduate project.  With the theme from the Norse mythology about three women who weaves the life of us mortals, it is a celebration and rejuvenation of the mysticism which once surrounded women deities and their female powers.

year of production: 1998-2000

concept, image, sound arrangement, and Lingo programming: Sachiko Hayashi

sound sources: Magnus Alexanderson

Flowchart of the Norns


Home, Menu Bar, About and Contact pictures: Generatve AI images done in Midjourney

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